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An experienced educator provides tutorial services for Kindergarten - 12th grade students in all subject areas. We also offer standardized test prep for tests including, but not limited to, SAT, PSAT, ACT, Georgia Milestones, ITBS, GED, and Accuplacer. Other courses cover executive functioning skills, etiquette, soft skills, college readiness, and job preparation.
Our tutoring program follows a 3 step system that allows the tutor to become familiar with the student, assess needs, make a plan for growth, and set goals for achievement.
Tutorial courses are given in multi-meeting sessions to optimize time and ensure that students are retaining information. Private or group sessions are available with plans and pricing varying depending on the need.
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Assessments are administered by licensed or certified professionals and are used to ensure that the educational and social needs of the individual are being met. We partner with a team of educational psycologists to administer emotional and cognitive development assessments.